JRBEE: Journal of Research in Business, Economics, and Education is an International journal published by Kusuma Negara Business School.

JRBEE: Journal of Research in Business, Economics, and Education is aimed at being a medium for research results dissemination and scientific paper exchanges on the Indonesian economy and business among academics, practitioners, regulators, and public. JRBEE: Journal of Research in Business, Economics, and Education is issued 6 times annually.
The Editor receives rigorous research manuscripts that have not been offered for publication elsewhere. In addition, analyses on new economics and business and notes or comments on articles published in the Journal are welcomed. Since its first issue published in 2019.

JRBEE is indexed by Google Scholar, ISJD, IPI, Garuda, Index Copernicus, BASE, Neliti and Academia.edu etc. JRBEE has become a CrossRef Member since 2019. Therefore, all articles published by JRBEE will have unique DOI number.

Published: 2021-02-28

Hubungan Religiusitas dengan Self-Awareness Siswa Sma Bodhicitta Buddhis School Medan

Janice Jeconiah, Venny Oktavia, Wasuki, Yulinda Septiani Manurung


Effect of Communication, Competency and Job Stress on Employee Performance at Atmindo

Hendry, Vanessa Hiustar, Viny Stevanie, Jessica Yendy, Jasmine


Kedisiplinan Ditinjau dari Self-Awareness pada Siswa Kelas XI di SMK Telkom 2 Medan

Jocelyn Listo Govanny, Christine, Rachael Patricia, Sri Hartini
