Journal of Research in Bussiness, Economics, and Education (JRBEE) is published by Research institutions and community service, STIE Kusuma Negara. Every article that is sent to the Editor, will be reviewed and scrutinized by the editorial board for eligibility or publication without diminishing the substance of the article.

Open Access Policy

All articles published by Parameter are made immediately available worldwide under an open access license. This means:

  • everyone has free and unlimited access to the full-text of all articles published in JRBEE journals, and
  • everyone is free to re-use the published material if proper accreditation/citation of the original publication is given.

Focus and Scope

Journal of Research in Bussiness, Economics, and Education is an academic journal publishing researches related to education and instruction. JRBEE also welcomes new applications of learning approaches that will help stakeholders worldwide. The official language of the journal is Indonesia, and we also accept articles in English

Article Processing Charges (APCs)

JRBEE publishes all its articles in full open access format. The scientific community and the general public have, for free, unlimited and immediate access to all content published in JRBEE as soon as it is published on the Internet. This means that JRBEE does not receive any income from selling subscriptions to print or view online versions of its journals or from charging "pay-per-view" fees. 

Sponsorship Disclosure

Sponsorship was published in cooperation of:

  • STIE Kusuma Negara

History of The Journal

Journal of Research in Bussiness, Economics, and Education continues to publish papers on all education since 2019. The journal aims to publish some two volume each year and to review recent education literature and review articles.