The Influence of Leadership Behavior, Organizational Communication, and Work Ethic on Employee Job Satisfaction at the Setiabudi One Primary Tax Service Office (KPP Pratama) in Jakarta

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Eny Suryani
Nendi Juhandi
Dasih Irma


The results of this study indicate that: 1) Leadership Behavior (X1) has a positive and significant contribution or effect on employee job satisfaction. This is shown shown by the equation of Leadership Behavior on Job Satisfaction, namely Y= 19.998+0.781x_1. Significance test using t statistic obtained t count > t table ( 7.029 > 1.98793) and sig < alpha (0.000 < 0.05) , so the conclusion H0 is rejected. The relationship between the variables of Leadership Behavior and Job Satisfaction is Strong based on the Correlation Coefficient Test with a calculation result of 0.604. 2)  Organizational Communication (X2) has a positive and significant effect on Job Satisfaction. It is shown that the equation of Organizational Communication on Job Satisfaction is Y= 29,432+1,923x_2 . Significance test using t statistic obtained t count > t table ( 7.231 > 1, 9879 ) and sig < alpha (0.000 < 0.05), so the conclusion H0 is rejected. The relationship between Organizational Communication variables and Job Satisfaction is Strong based on the Correlation Coefficient Test with the calculation results of 0.615. 3) Work ethic (X3) has a positive and significant contribution or effect on job satisfaction. This is shown by the equation of Work Ethic towards Job Satisfaction that is formed, namely Y= 12,143+2,341x_3. Significance test using t statistic obtained t count > t table (6,900 > 1, 9879) and sig < alpha (0.000 < 0, 05), so the conclusion H0 is rejected. The relationship between the variables of Work Ethic and Job Satisfaction is Medium based on the Correlation Coefficient Test with the calculation results of 0.597. 4) Leadership Behavior, Organizational Communication and Work Ethic together have a significant effect on Job Satisfaction. This is shown by the equation formed, namely Y= 5.446+0.294x_1+1.058x_2+1.111x_3 . The significance test was carried out with the calculated F value = 29.669, while the F table value = 2.7132 so that it was concluded that F arithmetic > F table (29.669 > 2.7132) then the conclusion was H0 was rejected. The results of the calculation of the correlation coefficient test are 0.717, thus there is a strong and positive relationship between the variables of Leadership Behavior, (X1), Organizational Communication (X2) and Work Ethic(X3) together on Job Satisfaction (Y). While the R value is 0.717. This shows that 71.7% of Leadership Behavior (X1), Organizational Communication (X2) and Work Ethic (X3) are simultaneously related to Employee Job Satisfaction (Y), while the remaining 28.3% related to other factors not examined in this research.

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